Thursday, August 23, 2007

FAP (Fair Access Policy)...not really fair and soooo 20th century

What exactly makes HughesNet suck soooo much?

Well, PRICE for one thing. Let's face it, they're nowhere close to broadband internet speeds. On a good day, they're more like a souped-up dialup service (you can get an all-you-can-eat dialup for $20/mth). It's a COMMODITY. Otherwise HughesNet would like us to believe their dialup-over-the-satellite service is worth $60/mth.

Another thing is that they've reduced what was available when it was DirecWay but left it at the same price. A TAKE AWAY. In other words, paying the same price and getting less.

But the biggest thing is the traffic limits they place on users known as Fair Access Policy (FAP). They changed this in the middle-of-the-night without telling anyone. And then the limits they set for daily usage are also unreasonable in the 21st century. OS updates are pretty large sizes these days. And the trend has been for application sizes to get BIGGER, not SMALLER. And one of the biggest 21st century applications used is streaming music from an internet radio station. And that in itself, is the single biggest complaint across the board with HughesNet users. That and the way they've handled it. People aren't abusing it, they're just living in the 21st century. Is HughesNet still living in the 56K-modem world in 2007?

But they would like users to upgrade to their more expensive service (more revenue for them, BUT they will still cut your service for 24-hours if you exceed their limits)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a new imac just before going on vacation. Of course there were updates for everything, which I couldn't even complete before I was FAPed. The killer was that for the 4 previous YEARS I had never gone over a limit--in fact, I didn't even know there was one--so I'm not a bandwidth hog. And then, I couldn't get online to to try to deal with my airline tickets for 24 hours. Thank god I wasn't depending on my computer for my business. Why can't they at least give you a warning about what's about to happen when they FAP you? I would have gladly cut off my downloads to I could use the internet for my plane tickets. And, by the way, I find that their tech people are often ill-informed, and their customer service people are outright liars.